Typescript has union types. For example:

  type StringOrNumber = string | number

Here the StringOrNumber type can be either string or number as expected. The member types do not have to be primitive types and they can be custom types as well.

When dealing with union types, before we can apply operations or functions that are specific to one member type, we would need to figure out which member type we have and that’s called type narrowing.

There are many ways to narrow the type, but in this post I specifically want to cover the syntax for creating a custom function to do type narrowing. I found myself referring back to the “Using type predicates” section on the Narrowing page in Typescript documentation, so I figure it might be a good idea to make it slightly easier to find and potentially easier to remember by writing a post about it.

Let’s say we want to create a type narrowing function for the StringOrNumber type above, it would look like this:

function isString(input: StringOrNumber): input is string {
  return typeof input === 'string'

Here, input is string is called a type predicate and it is the return type of the isString function. In the function body, it needs to return a boolean value: true means input is the expected type and false means it is not. The function’s logic can be as complex as it needs to be. As long as it returns a boolean value in the end, it’ll work fine as a type narrowing function or say a type guard.

In this example, returning true means input is a string, otherwise it’s a number, considering it can only be either a string or a number.

We can use it like the following:

// assuming we have a function that returns a string or a number
let a: StringOrNumber = getStringOrNumber()

if (isString(a)) {
} else {
  a + 3

Of course, this is just a contrived example to demonstrate the correct syntax. In a real world application, we would most likely just do typeof input === 'string' instead of creating a function to do it.

One more thing worth noting is that when we create a custom type guard, Typescript would treat us as adults and completely trust that it will do the right thing. For example, we can define a nonsensical type guard like this:

function isString(input: StringOrNumber): input is string {
  return typeof input === 'number'

And Typescript would happily accept it and gives no compiler error or warning, but since it’s narrowing the type incorrectly, some runtime errors should be expected after using this type guard.

In this post, I briefly talked about what type narrowing is and then looked into how to define our own type guard. As usual, the hope is to help my future self and potentially be of service to other people who are starting their Typescript journey as well.

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